the money channel

From losses to gains


The Money Channel is a business information and debate television channel, aiming to provide reliable business info to its viewers.

It is supplying customers real-time business information to the highest journalistic standard, being the only business television in Romania.


The Money Channel


Innovation & growth

Brand strategy and positioning

Communication strategy & plan


Despite the positive perception of trust, the people perceived The Money Channel as a channel focused exclusively on financial news and macroeconomics. Consequence: The Money Channel was losing money.
There is a lack of interactivity of shows (talking heads), public involvement, visibility of anchors and titles, as well as diversified programs in terms of training – the formation side.

business idea

Firstly, expanding The Money Channel’s target audience, and secondly, improve the audience’s perception of the channel.


Developed an extensive repositioning, rebranding and awareness strategy.

New positioning: business information and debate channel that helps you to evolve professionally because it covers a wide area of markets and economic areas.

A new hourly distribution of programs adapted to the new positioning, as well as new programs covering various areas of economic interest.

communication idea

The Money Channel is not a business television in Romania: it is the business professionals’ television: the people who speak Businesh.

The tone of voice conveys objectivity, independence, credibility, real-time info, professionalism,  reinforcing thus the defining attributes for the category and mostly associated with The Money Channel.

The target audience to see in The Money Channel a television specifically for them, which the rest of the world does not watch, suggesting to them that The Money Channel is watched by real business professionals, “as I am / want to be”.


Integrated mage campaign – “Do you speak Businesh?”, Cultural / lifestyle event associations, The Money Channel own events, newsletters, content promotion, online and off line, station ID refresh.


Increased potential viewers by about 300% 

Exceptional improvement of the value scores in terms of brand awareness and image.

Revenue from advertising space sales doubled.


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innovation & growth


strategic planning


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